Saturday, June 19, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010 @ 517 Parliament St. in U For Change /// Creative Culture : Better World - 2nd Floor --- 7:00pm open... 7:30 presentations + discussions... circle closing... a special documentary screening.
Basic Details:
• Paul Mercurius - Crop Circles, Hermeticism, and the myth of 2012. /// A presentation and inquiry into the mysterious phenomenon of crop circles, their relationship to the mythology of 2012, and an exploration of their mysterious messages and meanings.
• John Topp - The Emerging Unconscious. /// A brief exploration of the connections between UFO's, crop circles, synchronicities, and the collective unconscious.
• Open Session ---
• A special screening of "What On Earth? - Inside the Crop Circle Mystery." A documentary by Suzanne Taylor (, June 8, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Celestial Fungus
Evolver Spores: Aliens Among Us
35 Cities Participating Worldwide!
When we look at the technical progress humanity has made in the last two hundred years, it seems quite likely that any tool-using species that survives past our current stage of civilization will possess powers and abilities that we can barely imagine. The possibility that other species - even galactic federations - monitor life on earth seems less and less farfetched. Some see this as reason to celebrate - others as cause for alarm.
In this Spore, we will explore the case for and against alien visitors, and the theoretical intricacies of intergalactic diplomacy. Subjects to cover include Francis Crick's "pan-spermia " hypothesis; the Disclosure Project; crop circles; ideas from thinkers like Terence McKenna, Zacharia Sitchin, William Irwin Thompson, Barbara Hand Clow, and Jose Arguelles. As we seek to shed light on this esoteric area, we might explore the "myth-histories" of ancient and indigenous cultures from the Sumerian to the Hopi who describe beings from the stars coming to earth. Is this mere folktale or part of a true never ending story that continues to unfold through our time?
Dates may be different depending on the city.
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Special thanks to Evolver's spore sponsor Inner Traditions. Fans of this Spore might enjoy their books The Sirius Mystery, DMT: The Spirit Molecule, There Were Gods Upon the Earth: The Evidence of Alien DNA,The Pleiadian Agenda, and Inner Paths to Outer Space.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Evolver - An international alternate social structure of 'evolvers' who can share their talents, resources, wisdom and passions in hopes of building a better more equitable world. Join the Toronto movement on or Facebook